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Help for Thoroughbred Horse Picture Pedigree Database

What is Thoroughbred Horse Picture Pedigree Database?

How to start working with Thoroughbred Horse Picture Pedigree Database?

What IS supported?

What IS NOT supported?


Is Thoroughbred Horse Picture Pedigree Database Completely FREE of Charge?

Yes! Pedigree Hub will always remain FREE of charge. We feel that information of pedigreed animals should be openly shared, accessible to those seeking knowledge and sound education information that will enhance and move their breedings forward. As with any heavily trafficked resource, we have costs associated with hosting such a large database. If you would like to make a small donation, please email us at pedigreehub@gmail.com and will get back with you as soon as we can. We really do appreciate it!

I Would like to advertise with Thoroughbred Horse Picture Pedigree Database who can i contact?

To advertise your business, services and or products. Please email pedigreehub@gmail.com

What is Thoroughbred Horse Picture Pedigree Database?

Thoroughbred Horse Picture Pedigree Database is a FREE Open Source Database initiative to collect as many Thoroughbred Horse pedigrees and data as possible to give a good visual view of the breed, the past and present developments in the Horsebreed, and will help Horse breeders planning future breedings and Horse owners discovering the current and past ancestors within its' pedigree genealogy.

Ready to get started working with Thoroughbred Horse Picture Pedigree Database?

Ready to start working with theThoroughbred Horse Picture Pedigree Database ? The important data on Thoroughbred Horse Picture Pedigree Database is data about our Thoroughbred Horses which you can utilize free of charge to market your current horses, planned and upcoming breedings,record your entire horse stables genealogy pedigrees and much much more. All we ask is that you complete as much information as possible.You can easily access any of the pedigrees and pedigree detail information for each Horse, additionally, you can also find information about the current and past owners or the breeders of the Horse. You can start by either

If you would like to actively contribute to Thoroughbred Horse Picture Pedigree Database by adding or updating your own dogs or other Thoroughbred Horses you have to register with Thoroughbred Horse Picture Pedigree Database. You can do so by clicking onto the "Login"-link at the top right and choose "Create an Account" on the Login screen.

How can i search Pedigree Hub?

Thoroughbred Horse Picture Pedigree Database is focused on horses, their genealogy, their documented pedigrees and detail information about the animal. We feel that in time, Pedigree Hub will be an invaluable resource tool for Horse breeders, Horse Fanciers, Pedigree Analysts and anyone wishing to learn more about this great animal.

For all Pedigree Hub visitors (including anonymous users) you can:

For Pedigree Hub registered users, you will have the ability to:

What IS NOT supported?

Currently, there is no stable management provided by Thoroughbred Horse Picture Pedigree Database. The stable information is only stored as simple value in a Horse's record. On the Horse's "update" page you can choose from the existing list of stables (in the textfield type the first letters and you will receive a list to choose from- furthermore, please be patient this may take a while depending on bandwidth and database size) or type in a new stable l name.

Adding a new (not yet stored in Thoroughbred Horse Picture Pedigree Database) sire or dam to a particular dog from the update screen is not possible; there you can only choose from existing sires and dams. Go to the details page of your dog instead and click onto the "Add Dog"-link there to add a new sire or dam.
Also note,when choosing an existing sire or mare. You have to enter the first three letters of the sire's or mare's registered name whereupon you will receive all sires/mares in the Pedigree Hub database starting with these letters. Please be aware that retrieving these lists can take some time depending on bandwidth and database size. We therefore encourage you to use the "Add Horse"-links on the pedigree of your particular animal.